
Streamline your
business workflow

Maximize efficiency and boost the productivity of your team

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Simplify workflows
and save precious time

Backup settings

Make sure there is always someone available to answer your customers' questions. Use backup settings to support your business when some of your team members are away. 
Select a team member to forward cases to or to create group chats with by default when others are away
and select the backup rule to follow if a team member's working status is Absent.

Away messages

Set default messages to inform your customers about non-working hours and the availability status of your team members. By customizing these messages, you can efficiently manage customer expectations and provide them with timely information. During non-working hours, your customers will receive automated messages, letting them know when your team will be available again. Additionally, you can indicate the working status of your team members, ensuring that customers are aware of their availability for prompt responses.

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Welcome message

Set a welcoming message to inform your customers about your presence and availability to assist them. The welcome message serves as an introduction, instantly engaging customers and letting them know that you are ready to help. You can customize the message to reflect your brand voice and provide important information or instructions to guide customers in their chat experience.

Email notifications

Customize and personalize your notification preferences to stay up to date on all requests, external and internal chats, and appointments. Choose the notifications that matter most to you and your team, ensuring that you never miss a critical update or important interaction. Whether it's receiving real-time alerts for new requests, staying informed about ongoing chats, or being notified of upcoming appointments, our customizable email notifications keep you connected and in the loop.

Take control of your customer service needs

Connect with favorite businesses on Pigeon.
Add contacts, access history, and get announcements in one place.
Download the app to streamline communication.

Provide excellent customer service from everywhere

Switch between web and mobile app to manage customer service on-the-go. Download Pigeon Business app on your iPhone or Android device for free.

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Unlock growth potential with Pigeon for free.
Seriously, 100% free with no credit card required.
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